Friday, August 10, 2012

Rp - vandalism


Recently, there are quite a number of cases that residents' car in Valley Street was being vandalize just like the picture below. Everyday, there will be cases of may be 1 or 2 that car being vandalize. Heard from residents, the culprit always do it at midnight and ONLY spray paint on the back of the car. Now the culprit is still nowhere to be found. I hope that everyone can be cooperative and together, we catch the culprit together.

Other vandalism at Valley Street food centre

Saw this when i was having lunch with my boyfriend nearby my house which is at Valley Street. People who did this, please know that


  • Put a black box (camera) in the car so that when you are not around, you can monitor your car
  • Don't put valuable to attract attention


Lynn Cheng said...

hi :)

Lynn Cheng said...
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